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The Flood

Genesis 7 and 8

Good News Translation (GNT)


  1  The Lord said to Noah, "Go into the boat with
   your whole family; I have found that you are
   the only one in all the world who does what is
  2  Take with you seven pairs of each kind of
   ritually clean animal, but only one pair of
   each kind of unclean animal.
  3  Take also seven pairs of each kind of bird.
   Do this so that every kind of animal and bird
   will be kept alive to reproduce again on the
  4  Seven days from now I am going to send rain
   that will fall for forty days and nights, in order
   to destroy all the living beings that I have
  5  And Noah did everything that the Lord

11  When Noah was six hundred years old, on the
   seventeenth day of the second month all the
   outlets of the vast body of water beneath the
   earth burst open, all the floodgates of the
   sky were opened,
12  and rain fell on the earth for forty days and
13  On that same day Noah and his wife went
   into the boat with their three sons,
   Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives.
14  With them went every kind of animal, domestic
   and wild, large and small, and every kind of
15  A male and a female of each kind of living
   being went into the boat with Noah,
16  as God had commanded. Then the Lord shut
   the door behind Noah.
17  The flood continued for forty days, and the
   water became deep enough for the boat to
18  The water became deeper, and the boat
   drifted on the surface.

   Genesis 8
   The End of the Flood
  6  After forty days Noah opened a window
  7  and sent out a raven. It did not come back,
   but kept flying around until the water was
   completely gone.
  8  Meanwhile, Noah sent out a dove to see if
   the water had gone down,
  9  but since the water still covered all the land,
   the dove did not find a place to light. It flew
   back to the boat, and Noah reached out
   and took it in.
10  He waited another seven days and sent out
   the dove again.
11  It returned to him in the evening with a fresh
   olive leaf in its beak. So Noah knew that the
   water had gone down.
12  Then he waited another seven days and sent
   out the dove once more; this time it did not
   come back.
13  When Noah was 601 years old, on the first
   day of the first month, the water was gone.
   Noah removed the covering of the boat,
   looked around, and saw that the ground was
   getting dry.
14  By the twenty-seventh day of the second
   month the earth was completely dry.
15  God said to Noah,
16  Go out of the boat with your wife, your sons,
   and their wives.
17  Take all the birds and animals out with you,
   so that they may reproduce and spread over
   all the earth."
18  So Noah went out of the boat with his wife,
   his sons, and their wives.

   Genesis 9
   God's Covenant with Noah
  8  God said to Noah and his sons,
  9  "I am now making my covenant with you
   and with your descendants,
10  and with all living beings - all birds and all
   animals - everything that came out of the boat
   with you.
11  With these words I make my covenant
   with you: I promise that never again will all
   living beings be destroyed by a flood;
   never again will a flood destroy the earth.
12  As a sign of this everlasting covenant which
   I am making with you and with all living
13  I am putting my bow in the clouds. It will be
   the sign of my covenant with the world.


Taken from 'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
Scripture Union

The Flood

    Genesis 7, 8 and 9

The flood was going to be a significant event.
It's important to notice that all animals were represented in the ark, whether they were considered to be 'clean' or 'unclean'.

The Jews used only the 'clean' animals for food and sacrifice, so the 'unclean' ones would simply be able to reproduce once the flood had subsided.

Noah might have been tempted to choose only the 'clean' animals, considering the unclean ones as not worth saving. God created animals, He regarded them all as 'very good' (Genesis 1;31), and therefore they all had a place on the ark.

It's interesting that the flood didn't actually happen for seven days after they entered the ark. I wonder whether there was a point during that time when Noah wondered whether he had imagined God telling him to build it?

It must have been hard for them to wait... and wait... especially if the neighbours were taunting them all, watching them sitting on a boat in the middle of a desert!

The animals were quicker to get on board than the people. Throughout the Bible, creatures have been obedient to God, donkeys, lions, great fish and even worms obeyed God, but people ...!

Remember anyone could have got on board the Ark. Unfortunately pride, family, friends or just a love of what they were involved in kept them out of the Ark and away from safety.

Safety isn't found on the gang-plank, it's on board the Ark! Even with the movement of so many animals, people just watched instead of acting quickly. Then came the saddest words in the Bible _ the Lord closed the door!

Now, as the first drops of rain fell and the flood broke, how many thought, "If only I had . . . "?

God loves people.
He demonstrates that in Jesus dying for you _ all you have to do is get on board, before the door of opportunity is closed!

Imagine it. Shut up all that time in a boat full of animals. Just waiting. They still had God with them.

What would you do and how would you cope if all the things that seem important to you were not there?

Noah sent out a raven, an unclean bird, but it just flew about. Maybe it landed on, and ate from, dead floating things.

The dove was different; it couldn't find a place to land so it came back to Noah and to the place of safety.

We all have choices about what we do but are you doing and going to the right places?

When the dove was sent out again it found a place to land, vegetation hadn't been destroyed, and the dove came back with a fresh olive leaf in its beak.

That has been a symbol of peace for years. Noah remained patient even though he knew the ground was almost dry. The dove stayed away when it was in a safe place.

We should be the same - come back to the ark of safety in Jesus if you're unsure as to what's right, check things out with Him. Remember, He cares about you and the decisions you make and places you go.

Finally, we have the covenant that God promised in chapter 6 and spoke to himself in chapter 8, though note that four times we are told that the covenant includes animals as well as humans.

The covenant is mentioned seven times and the bow/sign of the covenant five times - and three times God says that he will not again destroy the world.
Again, what is reiterated is life. Nevertheless, it is a sobering thought that when God looks on his rainbow, he thinks, 'No, I must not destroy them, despite the atrocities that I see'.

Father, we cannot understand how, hating sin as you do, you still love us as you do, but we thank you for your patience, love and forgiveness.

Other versions are available here

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