
Jesus Is Presented in the Temple
Luke 2:22-40
Good News Translation (GNT)
22 The time came for Joseph and Mary to
perform the ceremony of purification, as the
Law of Moses commanded. So they took the
child to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord,
23 as it is written in the law of the Lord: "Every
first-born male is to be dedicated to the Lord."
24 They also went to offer a sacrifice of a pair of
doves or two young pigeons, as required by
the law of the Lord.
25 At that time there was a man named Simeon
living in Jerusalem. He was a good,
God-fearing man and was waiting for Israel
to be saved. The Holy Spirit was with him
26 and had assured him that he would not die
before he had seen the Lord's promised
27 Led by the Spirit, Simeon went into the
Temple. When the parents brought the child
Jesus into the Temple to do for him what the
Law required,
28 Simeon took the child in his arms and gave
thanks to God:
29 "Now, Lord, you have kept your promise, and
you may let your servant go in peace.
30 With my own eyes I have seen your salvation,
31 which you have prepared in the presence of
all peoples:
32 A light to reveal your will to the Gentiles and
bring glory to your people Israel."
33 The child's father and mother were amazed at
the things Simeon said about him.
34 Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his
mother, "This child is chosen by God for the
destruction and the salvation of many in Israel.
He will be a sign from God which many people
will speak against
35 and so reveal their secret thoughts. And
sorrow, like a sharp sword, will break
your own heart."
36-37 There was a very old prophet, a widow
named Anna, daughter of Phanuel of the
tribe of Asher.
She had been married for only seven years
and was now eighty-four years old. (a)
She never left the Temple; day and night she
worshiped God, fasting and praying.
38 That very same hour she arrived and gave
thanks to God and spoke about the child to all
who were waiting for God to set Jerusalem
The Return to Nazareth
39 When Joseph and Mary had finished doing all
that was required by the Law of the Lord, they
returned to their hometown of Nazareth in
40 The child grew and became strong; he was full
of wisdom, and God's blessings were upon
Luke 2:36 was now eighty-four years old;
had been a widow eighty-four years.
Commentary taken from
'The Applied New Testament Commentary'
Jesus Is Presented in the Temple
Luke 2.22-40
All firstborn offspring, both human and animal, were considered to be consecrated to God.
The firstborn of "clean" animals were sacrificed.
The firstborn of humans had to be redeemed by a payment of money.
According to Jewish law, a mother and her male offspring were considered "unclean"
for a period of forty days after the child's birth. At that time a sacrifice had to be offered
in order for the mother and child to be purified.
For poor people, the sacrifice to be offered was a pair of doves or two young pigeons.
Luke mentions a man called Simeon, who had been waiting for the salvation of Israel.
He had been waiting to see God's Christ, the Messiah, who was coming to save His people.
The Holy Spirit had told Simeon that he would get to see the Christ before he died.
Simeon, led by the Holy Spirit, recognised the baby Jesus.
He could now die in peace, because he had seen the salvation,
not only of Israel, but of the Gentiles also.
Even though the angel had told Mary and Joseph that their son Jesus was the Saviour,
they were still amazed at Simeon's words.
Simeon said, "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel."
Those who believe in Jesus, the Christ, and accept the salvation He brings will "rise."
Those who reject Him will be condemned.
Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the church, the "new Israel," will rise, but if rejected,
will become a stone by which men fall.
Jesus is a sign of judgment who came the first time to save men, but He will come a second time
to judge them. He is a "sign" which says: "All those who do not place their faith in me and follow me
are doomed. No one comes to the Father, except through me".
Nevertheless, most of the Jews, rejected Him and spoke against Him and, in the end, killed Him.
The blessing passed to the Gentiles who believed and accepted Jesus.
The corning of the Christ into the world would cause the thoughts of many hearts to be revealed.
Then Simeon prophesied that Mary's soul would be pierced by a sword.
The "sword" was the murder of her own son.
After Simeon had spoken, Anna, a prophetess, also spoke about the child Jesus.
Many among the Jews of Jerusalem were indeed waiting for the Messiah.
Yet when He did come, most of them did not recognise Him.
The Childhood of Jesus (2:39-52)
The family of Jesus returned to their own town of Nazareth in the province of Galilee,
in northern Israel.
Jesus had taken on Himself the form of a man, and was born of a woman.
Therefore, like other men, Jesus had to grow and become strong.
But from the beginning, He was filled with the wisdom
and the grace of His heavenly Father.
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