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God the King

   Psalm 93

   Good News Translation (GNT)

  1  The Lord is king. He is clothed with majesty
   and strength. The earth is set firmly in place
   and cannot be moved.
  2  Your throne, O Lord, has been firm from the
   beginning, and you existed before time began.
  3  The ocean depths raise their voice, O Lord;
   they raise their voice and roar.
  4  The Lord rules supreme in heaven, greater
   than the roar of the ocean, more powerful
   than the waves of the sea.
  5  Your laws are eternal, Lord, and your Temple
   is holy indeed, forever and ever.


   Commentary taken from from the
   'word-on-the-web' supplied by the
   Scripture Union'

'God the King'

    Psalm 93

Christians today can be uncertain about the idea of God's control (v 2) - a contradiction of the evidence, or a retreat into fatalism.
But look at what the psalmist is saying.

The world - including its pounding waves - is in God's hands.
The seas may be a metaphor for everything which rises against God and seems to contradict his authority (vs 3,4): as with the whole created universe, they are not independent of their Maker.
They are within his all-embracing control.

We are at ground level and have a limited horizon, but there is stability behind the apparent chaos, because the Lord is the eternal creator.
His sovereignty is the ultimate reality.

The Lord reigns
The same is true of his word: his statutes are reliable (v 5).
Whether his world or his word, they are both 'firmly established' (vs 1,2,5).
The psalm could not be more decisive in its emphasis: 'The Lord reigns' (v 1).

As I grow older, I cling more firmly to this reality.
Scholars tell us that the psalmist uses the 'prophetic perfect', pointing to the day when the king will come in power.
John saw that 'the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah' (Revelation 11:15).

From an eternity past to an eternity future, the psalm reminds us that God can be trusted, and his purposes and promises stand firm for ever
(v 5).

Other versions are available here

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