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  SundayReflection 2

  23rd July 2023

The Blog of Penny Lyon


Throw Out The Walking Stick

There is a temptation to believe that God only turns up at big Christian festivals, or in buzzing charismatic churches.
We really should have learned by now, that He turns up wherever He is invited - from damp prison cells to dusty pews, and from crowded shopping malls to isolated mountaintops.

Some time ago we played as part of a Sunday morning service, in a church in Kislingbury, Northampton.
We were also there on a Saturday evening, doing a small concert.

On the day we played at the church, the rector had kindly invited us back to hijack the Sunday morning worship.
We did our normal thing - sang songs and told stories; this time, to an audience of about fifty to sixty people, most of whom had been attending one church or another in that benefice for many years.

A quiet Sunday morning service in a fourteenth-century church - pews, tradition, no one under the age of fifty years and liturgy.
We were happily shoehorned into the middle.

On both occasions, there was a lady (we'll call her Sue) who sat fairly near the front of the church with her husband.
She told me later that she had seen an advertisement promoting our coming to the church, and on the strength of that, had decided to come.

When she got up to go forward for communion, it didn't take any great deductive skills to work out that she was in great pain.
Slowly - painfully - carefully, with a much-needed walking stick.

At the end of the service I got chatting with her and her husband;
I asked what the nature of her pain was; I was told it was arthritis which had started in her knee some years ago, but in the last five to six months had spread with extraordinary aggression to her hips, her shoulders and her spine. She expressed real fear about what she saw as the inevitable spread to her neck, and what that would mean.

I asked whether it would be ok for a couple of us to pray for her.
She said it would, and I toddled off to find a prayer partner from the host church.

We sat with Sue and her husband, and with permission, laid hands on knees, shoulders and back.
Let's be honest - I didn't have any real clue what I was doing - which of us do when we pray for people, right?
I did my best Robbie Dawkins or Todd White school of healing prayer.
You know - ask what the pain level is at the start - in Sue's case, seven out of ten, with ten out of ten expected when she went to bed that night - and we started to pray.
We invited the Holy Spirit in and off we went.

We prayed for about ten minutes, during which I felt the heat from my hands that I've become familiar with when the Holy Spirit is present, and then I asked how she was doing.
She said that her pain had reduced to about three or four.
She was also tearful and expressed a feeling of huge spiritual and emotional release.

We carried on praying.
About ten minutes later, I asked how she was doing again and was told that her pain had reduced 'to a two'.

Now, this was all very pleasing, and we were very grateful, but my prayer partner was called away for something else, and my woefully limited patience was suspicious that we weren't going to get any further, so we stopped and chatted.

Then I asked her whether she could lift her arms, and she found to her surprise that she could.
She sat and cautiously experimented with this new activity for a moment or two, and we chatted a bit more.
Then I felt God prompting me that whilst I thought we'd finished, He didn't think so, and we were to continue praying.

So we did.
Once again there was heat under my hand as we prayed, but much greater this time.
We couldn't have prayed for more than another five minutes, but when we finally finished, she was able to stand up with a lightness that took her breath away.

She stood, her face radiant.
She and her husband had both connected with us on Facebook, so I was able to pick her out and contact her through Messenger sometime later.
She had been walking easily, without a stick ever since, and is praising and thanking God in no uncertain terms.

The new faith, new hope, new life...
Not wishing to overstate the obvious, but so are we.

Right now I feel like the snotty-nosed kid who managed to turn up on bonfire night, and someone shoved a sparkler in my hand.
The fire isn't mine, but it sure is beautiful.

I am breathless, delighted and struck with astonished awe to be allowed to be there.
Thank you Loving Father.

The Blog of Penny Lyon
Thoughts And Words From Out Of The Ashes Front Woman

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  Church Lane,
  NN7 3PB

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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com

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  Land Line: 01604 830373
  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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  to arrange an appointment please contact the Benefice Office.
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