
  24th October 2023

Colin Webster asks



Has science disproved the existence of God?

Back in 1916, active scientists were asked whether they believed in God -
specifically 'in a God who actively communicates with humanity, and to whom one may pray in expectation of receiving an answer.'

The results are well known: roughly 40% did believe in this kind of God, 40% did not and 20% were not sure.

The survey was repeated in 1997, using precisely the same question to 1,000 scientists and the result was as follows:
45% did not believe in God, 40% did believe in this kind of God and 15% were unsure.
So within almost 100 years, the number of scientists who believe in God remained unchanged.

They were asked if they believed in a God who was a living, intelligent being.
If God were a delusion, a false belief, based on 'no evidence' (as Prof Richard Dawkins believes), then it would stand to reason that no scientist in their right mind would believe in God.

Yet, today there are many Christians who are scientists who see no conflict between their faith and their respective field of study.

Take for instance Dr Francis Collins, the Director of the Human Genome Project: Dr Collins led the successful effort to map human DNA.

IN 2006, he published his book entitled The Language of God, in which he said: 'Our babies are texts, sermons in biological and personal form, to the wisdom and skill of the Creator.'

When he was completing his research and was able to read the marvellous complexity of the human genetic code he wrote:
'When you have for the first time in front of you this 3.1 billion-letter instruction book that conveys all kinds of information and all kinds of mystery about human kind, you can't survey that going through page after page without a sense of awe.

I can't help but look at those pages and have a vague sense that this is a glimpse of God's mind.'

Like so many others within and outside the scientific fraternity Dr Collins concludes, 'This most beautiful system could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.'

These comments fly in the face of Richard Dawkins' claim that (and I quote):
'real scientists are atheists.'
If Dawkins statement is correct then he has to dismiss a great many scientists today who are committed Christians.

Fraser Watts, Starbridge lecturer in both theology and natural science at Cambridge University, stated 'I do not know of any research that conflicts with religion.

The problem comes from the ideological position, held by a minority of scientists, that science is the only valid form of knowledge and has got all the answers.'

Watts recognised the fact that although science can tell us much about the world we live in, science has its limitations.

Science can tell us how an instrument makes a sound, but it cannot answer the question 'Is the music enjoyable?'

It can tell us how a plant grows but it cannot quantify the beauty of a flower.

It can tell us that a kiss is an exchange of microbes, but it cannot tell us what love is.

Science cannot explain everything. Science can examine creation, but it cannot examine the Creator. Science has limitations

The main reason why science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God is because God is infinitely superior to us; indeed the immense amount of knowledge that we currently possess is miniscule compared with the vastness and complexity of the mind of God in whose universe we live.

This is why God says:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9) (NIV)

Science and religion are not poles apart.
Both are searching for reality and truth...A common experience of those who pursue the search for God is the discovery that God is quietly but intently searching for them.
If you feel that God is pursuing you, don't play hard to get!'

Indeed, it might surprise you to know that of the 600 or so people who attend Cornerstone Church in Nottingham there are well over thirty doctors of science, of one sort or another.
These range from people with professorships and PhD's in microbiology, biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry to medical doctors;
and all of them are committed Christians who see no conflict between their faith and their field of study.

joined the Cornerstone team as one of the ministers in 1996 following 3 years training at Moorlands Bible College.
In addition to preaching and pastoring his main areas of responsibility are in encouraging the church in its evangelism and overseeing the worship team.
He has led worship at various conferences such as Word Alive and the Keswick Convention

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  regparker3 at gmail dot com

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