
  29th November 2023

'GotQuestions' asks



What does it mean that a man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps
(Proverbs 16:9)?

You may make your plans: This is not a bad thing.
We, as the God in whose image we are made, think about and plan our way.
Many people would do well to more carefully plan their way.

"As rational agents we think, consult, act freely.
We are dependent agents, and the Lord exercises his own power in permitting, overruling, or furthering our actions.

Thus man proposes, and God disposes." (Bridges)

What does it mean that a man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9)?

Solomon, in the book of Proverbs, discusses the relationship of man's planning and God's directing work multiple times

The book of Job provides a great example of this relationship between one's plans and God's directing ministry.
God considered Job a righteous man.
Undoubtedly, Job had plans for the future, including continued work in the fields, making sacrifices for his children, accepting good from the Lord, etc.

During a prosperous time of Job's life, Satan appeared before the Lord and was given permission to test Job's fear of the Lord.

Satan carried out this testing by taking things that belonged to Job such as his material possessions, family, and health, sure that Job would curse God because of his loss.

God directed these events, utilizing Satan as a tool for testing Job.
Job certainly did not plan on losing all his possessions, his children dying in a natural disaster, and having his wife tell him to curse God and die, but God directed the outcomes.

The story of Job doesn't end there, of course, but the contrast in Job's plans and the steps that God directed Job to take shows the relationship between man's future planning and God's present directing work.

Just as God directed the circumstances and events in the life of Job, God directs and determines our circumstances and events today.

We can take comfort in knowing that the Almighty God is in control of outcomes.

Another example of the Lord directing the steps of humanity is seen in Psalm 37:20-26.
David, the second king of Israel, wrote this psalm in the later years of his life (Psalm 37:25).
Part of the psalm contrasts the actions taken by the Lord toward the wicked and the righteous.

In verse 22 David discusses "those the Lord blesses" and "those He curses."
The blessed are the righteous under the Mosaic Law, while the cursed are the wicked.

The righteous man, who delights in the Lord, is promised "firm steps.
He can move forward with confidence because, "though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand".

As a result of God's directing work, David rejoices in the outcomes:
"Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed; the offspring of the wicked will perish.
The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever".

God's sovereignty should comfort the believer in Jesus.

God is in control.
It is wise to plan for the future, but we should find comfort in that, ultimately, God directs our steps.

His plan leads us in a good path-one we should all rejoice in.

Bible references available on request

'Got Questions' Ministries
is comprised of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics.
We are Christian, Protestant, evangelical, theologically conservative, and non-denominational.
We are a para-church ministry, coming alongside the church to help people find answers to their spiritually related questions.


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  NN7 3PB

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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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