
  9th December 2023

Kerry Kirkwood offers



Applying Faith to Live the Fullness of Your Destiny

Faith is both a noun and a verb.

That may sound strange to think of it as a grammatical statement, but it's true.

If I only think of faith as a noun, then it simply describes a static position.
For instance, I can say my faith is Christian, distinguishing me from other types of religions or faiths.

When faith activates what is deposited in Heaven, then faith becomes a verb that requires action on my part.
James 2:17-19 (NKJV) says,

"Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, 'You have faith, and I have works.' Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble!"

Notice how James makes the distinction between faith as a noun and faith as a verb.

Faith by itself is a stated noun, but when faith starts to move in what we are called to do, then faith starts activating the power of the Word of God.

James makes a stunning statement that even the demons believe and tremble.
If all I have is a belief system without a faith system, then I am only at a demonic level.

When we act on what we believe, it is transformative - it turns a stagnant pool of water into a flowing river moving things along with its flow.
There is life in a river of active faith, but in motionless pools things die from religious pollution.

When religion is solely a faith statement, it is a dead pool of beliefs.

Faith without works is dead - and the antithesis of this is faith working toward the Word bringing life.
Simply put, faith turns on the power to change the status from death to life and weakness to strength.
For example, the reason some businesses install motion detectors in their light switches is because people don't remember to turn off the lights.
The point being, there must be movement to turn on the power to the lights.

Faith without movement is a noun, not a verb that takes action and turns on the switch.
I am convinced a lot of unanswered prayers have gone silent due to no movement toward what they are believing for.

When I was 19 years old my pastor and those around me recognised that I was called to preach, and there was even prophecy spoken over me confirming as such.
I was issued a license to minister.

The only thing was, I had never officially shared with anyone or any group a message or sermon.
Although I felt accepted among my peers as having joined their ranks, I had the noun kind of faith; it was a statement that I could preach yet without works.

The time came when I was called upon to ratify my calling of faith.
I could say it was time "to fish or cut bait," as my ministry could not stay in the noun form.

The noun form of my faith was safe, and I had not yet made any mistakes.
Yet, there was no power in my noun type of faith only an outward appearance of faith.

Well it was bound to happen, it was time to share my first message, or sermon, and there was no way I could go backward after claiming faith.
After spending hours in study, I asked the Holy Spirit to enable me not to fail.
I guess failure meant stage fright and being tongue-tied.

The first few minutes of speaking seemed to me like I was shooting in the dark.
Then I noticed a sense of boldness kick in - and to my surprise I was saying things that I had not written into my notes.

Eventually I forgot about my notes entirely.
I realised that my faith left the noun position and moved into the working groove that made all the difference in the world.

No longer would I say I had faith, now I could say I move in faith.
Things happen when we move in faith, then faith starts to move us.

This is an (extremely) edited version. The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Kerry Kirkwood
is the founding pastor of Trinity Fellowship in Tyler, Texas.
Kerry is known for a strong prophetic anointing.
In conjunction with being a senior pastor, Kerry is also the Director of Antioch Oasis Network of churches and ministries.


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  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
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