
  10th January 2024

'Karen O'Reilly says'


God Turns Your Mourning Into Dancing

This short devotional is from Psalm 30:11.

"You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, NLT"

Psalm 30:11 is such a beautiful promise for us. You may already have seen this verse in action in your life.

I have seen God turn my mourning into dancing.
Throughout my life, I have had a few tragedies play out and I have also seen the most unexpected miracles!

God turns our sorrow into joy. He turned my mourning into dancing.

How does God turn our mourning into dancing?
When David wrote Psalm 30 he had been going through a painful time.
He had had a time of sickness.
David had been weeping and crying out to God for His mercy.
God heard his prayers and He took David's garment of sorrow and exchanged it for clothes of joy.

The joy that David experienced was the joy of a righteous God walking with him during and after his trial.
David had many problems with sin and enemies.
He had times of distress and discouragement and he had times of sickness.
Sometimes his burdens were so heavy that he wept through the night.
David tells us in Psalm 30:7 that God hid His face from him for a time but then David sought God's mercy and God exchanged his clothes of mourning for clothes of joy.

God has the power to turn your mourning into dancing.
God yearns to restore you with His forgiveness if sin has caused you grief.

God wants to turn your mourning into dancing and He has promised to give us 'beauty for ashes' and the 'oil of joy for mourning'.

But God needs you to trust Him with your circumstances and pain.
He needs you to have expectant faith that He can change your circumstances.
Hand over your burden to God and you will find immediate peace even while you are still in the same circumstances.

While you are waiting for things to change, do as David did.
David encourages us to sing and dance before the Lord.
You will find joy rushing in as you do this because you will be reminded that God is the God of the impossible.
He alone has the power to cause transformation in your life.

God can change everything when you commit your situation to Him.
You will find strength and courage to trust God with all your concerns....no matter how hopeless it seems in Romans 8:28.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

Today, allow God to turn your mourning into dancing.
Let Him fill your heart with joy and confidence.

What is God saying to you through Psalm 30:11?

Have you asked God to come and take away your clothes of mourning?
Remind yourself often of these biblical truths.

God wants to take my clothes of mourning and exchange it for clothes of joy.
God yearns to restore me with His forgiveness.
God has the power to change my circumstances.

Join me in praying Psalm 30:11.

Thank you, Father, that Your anger doesn't last.
You have the power to turn my mourning into dancing.
Forgive me for things I should not have done
and forgive me for not running straight to You with my circumstances.
Father, I commit this situation to You ________________.
I know that You can turn my situation around.
Fill my heart with faith and expectation.

Hi! I'm Karen
the creator and designer of Scriptural Grace
In a world filled with constant distractions and ever-increasing demands on our time, finding a meaningful connection with the Scriptures can sometimes feel like an elusive pursuit.
I understand this challenge all too well.
Studying the Bible is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding avenues for spiritual growth, but it's also a skill that requires patience, dedication, and guidance.
I am extremely passionate about unlocking the treasure that is found in scripture.
I am married to a wonderful man of God for 25 years and for 15 of those years I have had the privilege to work alongside him in the role of a Church minister's wife.
My passion lies in unravelling the profound truths found in the Bible and presenting them in a way that resonates with individuals who are craving a deeper connection with the Scriptures, even amidst their busy lives.


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  NN7 3PB

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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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