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  11th March 2024


'Jeffery Curtis Poor offers'



Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Colossians 3:23 NIV

That's a principle that's popular in Christian circles.
And when properly applied it can change one's outlook on life and their faith.
I think this is one of the most powerful and practical verses in the Bible.
Let's start by looking at the context in which these words were written.

One of the biggest concerns that Paul has for this church in Colossae is that they might return to their former beliefs and practices.
He is refuting false teaching and reminding them of the hope they have in Jesus.

Paul is giving instructions for living out our faith.
Because of what Jesus has done, Christians ought to avoid participating in sin.

One of the main points in this chapter is that Christians are to work hard at doing what God has called them to do.
Whatever our life is like, God is the one who will judge each person according to their work, therefore we ought not slack but put in a full effort.

Even though this verse is short, there's a lot packed in here.
So, I'm going to break this verse down into four sections so we can better understand what Paul is saying.
When I say "work" in this post I don't mean just what you do for pay.
That's certainly included, but so is the responsibility you hold with your family, the places you volunteer, and even the things that others make you do.

Whether you like your responsibility or hate it.
Paul is talking about all the things you do. Every single one of them.
"Whatever" means that Paul is including all working contexts.
"Heart" means that we work from deep down, from the soul.
It implies working with enthusiasm and passion.

The question is, how is this possible?
Many hate the things they have to do.
They don't like their jobs, their boss, or the other things they "work" on outside of work.

We are to work with all our heart because we are not ultimately doing it for ourselves but for God.
All our service is ultimately for him, and while we might be under-appreciated or even used by the people we work for in this world, God sees and will reward us.

If we took this focus, our personal life and the impact we make on others would likely increase.
We would find greater meaning and purpose.

We are supposed to work for the Lord but not just for man.
Paul is applying here that we don't work for the earthly goals that many spend their lives chasing after.

Not that those are all bad, but they shouldn't be our ultimate goal.
When we work for man, we will end up never finding what we are searching for.
But when we work for God our reward will be great.
Both here and now and throughout eternity.

Paul isn't saying that we have to stay at our current jobs.
He's not saying it's a sin to seek out better pay.
And he's certainly not saying we should stay in a place where we are being abused.

Rather, what Paul is doing is challenging our perspective on the work we do.
Paul is trying to lift our view to see that what we do, even if it seems menial, matters to God.
He's our ultimate boss. And our work is ultimately judged, and rewarded, by him.

So, take a look at the things you do and the attitude you hold towards those responsibilities.
Are you working for man or are you working for God?
What Paul is saying is you should shift your focus to God.

What happens when we do that?
Paul tells us in the next verse:

"Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

So, do all things as unto the Lord for he is the ultimate Judge and will give to everyone accordingly.


Jeffery Curtis Poor
My main job has been serving as a pastor for 12+ years.
Through that work, I have developed a passion for helping people understand the Bible and apply it to their lives.
That's what led to me starting 'Rethink' back in 2015; to help people align their lives with God's word.
I have a BA and MA in Biblical studies and I found that while there is a lot of information out there about the Bible, much of it is hard to understand.
I strive to break down Biblical topics in a way everyone can learn from.
I hope that God uses this site to help you grow in your faith.


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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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