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  18th March 2024



'Liz Wann' offers

"How God Makes Us Mighty"


God's character is multifaceted, and his attributes are not an either-or scenario.
He's every bit of who he is at all times.

The story of Gideon, in the book of Judges, is about God, and how he operates in the lives of his children.

When God calls Gideon to be Israel's next judge and deliverer, God greets Gideon as a "mighty man of valour".
But what we continually see with Gideon is the complete opposite.

Gideon's first words, after this greeting, question God's active presence among Israel - he doubts God's plans and believes God has forsaken them.
Gideon then lists some excuses for why he can't save Israel, and even though God answers,

"I'll be with you,"

Gideon then asks for a sign.
Once the sign confirms who this strange visitor is, Gideon finally believes, but then responds in fear.

The most remembered part of Gideon's story is when he asks for the two signs from God with the fleece of wool.
God had plans to make Gideon a mighty man of valour because God is the mighty man of valour.
Gideon wouldn't have known this at the time, but we now know that Jesus is the ultimate mighty man of valour who comes to save us from the hands of our enemies.

God was in it with Gideon for the long haul, working on him as he worked for Israel.
God intentionally whittles down Gideon's army from thirty-two thousand to just three hundred, all so that Israel would not be able to take the credit for the victory.

But we can assume, based on Gideon's track record, that God also was dealing personally with Gideon's own weakness.
Especially when we see what happens next.

God deals gently with Gideon and basically says,

"If you're still afraid that I won't give the Midianites into your hand, go down to their camp and I'll give you my own sign"

After he hears the sign, Gideon is strengthened.

Ideally, Gideon should have had the faith not to need signs.
But still, God eventually uses his own sign to strengthen and uplift this weak man.
He could have just required Gideon's obedience, and given him this rebuke: "You need to trust me more, Gideon. Now go!"
But God doesn't do that here.
God is patient with Gideon's failures and weaknesses, he gives him the signs he asks for, and even one he doesn't ask for.

We all are like Gideon in our weak faith, but thankfully God doesn't depend on our level of faith to act on our behalf.
God depends on himself and his own strength of character.
And from himself as the source, he strengthens our weak faith.

Knowing we're all Gideons will help us as we interact with the failures and weaknesses of others.
God's strong character in his interactions with Gideon has shown me how weak my own character is when I'm faced with the failures and weaknesses of others.

It's much easier for me to only rebuke, tell others how they can do better, and then move on.
There is certainly a time and a place for a gentle rebuke, but how often do we rebuke when the situation calls for patient forbearance, comfort, and encouragement

Sinners need rebuke in certain situations, but we also need comfort and encouragement in the midst of repeated failures and besetting weaknesses.
If a perfect, holy God does this, how much more should one sinner do this with another?

There is only one mighty man of valour.
He became dust like us, but he never failed.
Instead, he perfectly accomplished all that the Father asked him to do on our behalf.

Because of him, we're saved from our enemies.
And because of him, we're being transformed into mighty men and women of valour.

Take comfort that God is at work, no matter your level of faith.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Liz Wann
Regular contributor
lives in Philadelphia with her husband and three children.
She is the author of The End of Me: Finding Resurrection Life in the Daily Sacrifices of Motherhood.
John Piper, in 1980, sensing an irresistible call of the Lord to preach, John became the senior pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he ministered for almost 33 years.


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