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  30th March 2024



'Rick Ezell' shares

Being a Peacemaker


Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God"

Matthew 5:9

Into a world that is ugly with violence and hate, Jesus sends us as peacemakers.

We aren't given the choice of whether or not we would like to be peacemakers and we certainly aren't given the choice of what kind of world we would like to live in.
As bad as things may be, this is the only world we have and if we are going to be true to our Lord, we must be peacemakers.
But, what did he mean by peacemakers?

First, let's dispel the misconceptions of peacemakers.
Peace-making is not the Absence of conflict.
Peace in the Bible is never to be confused with pacifism.

Never are we instructed to run from conflict.
Putting our head in the sand, hoping that the conflict will end, only delays the inevitable.
The "peace at any price" mentality is far from biblical command.
I have discovered that you can never make everyone happy all the time.

The person who glosses over the problems, acting as if everything is alright when it is not is not a peacemaker.

So what did Jesus mean by peacemaker?
A working definition of a peacemaker is someone who is actively seeking to reconcile people to God and to one another.

Let's look closely at the word peace-maker.
Easily we can see that this compound word is comprised of two very common words: "peace" and "maker."

The word peace is the Hebrew word shalom.
Often used as a greeting word or a departing word in much the same way we would utter "hello" or "goodbye," it is a broad term related to health, prosperity, harmony, and wholeness.

It means perfect welfare, serenity, fulfillment, freedom from trouble, and liberation from anything which hinders contentment.
When a Jew said "Shalom" they were wishing on another the full presence, peace, and prosperity of all the blessedness of God.

The famous Aaronic benediction of Numbers 6:24-26 brings out this idea very clearly:

"The LORD bless you and protect you; the LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the LORD look with favour on you and give you peace"

Num. 6:24-25

It is important to remember that peace in the Bible is always based on justice and righteousness.
Where justice prevails and righteousness rules, there you will also have peace.
But without those two virtues, lasting peace is not possible.

The word 'make' in the term "peacemakers" comes from the Greek verb that means "to do" or "to make."
It is a word bursting with energy.
It mandates action and initiative.
Someone has to drag the combatants to the table and give them a reason to put down their arms.

Peace must be made.
Peace never happens by chance.
A peacemaker is never passive.
They always take the initiative.
They are up and doing.

So when these two words are taken together, "peace" and "maker," it describes one who actively pursues peace.
As William Barclay translates this verse,
"They are people who produce right relationships in every sphere of life."

Peace making is a divine work.
God is the author of peace.
And, Jesus is the supreme Peacemaker.

Jesus came to establish peace; his message explained peace; his death purchased peace; and his resurrected presence enables peace.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Rick Ezell
is the pastor of First Baptist Greer, South Carolina.
Rick has earned a Doctor of Ministry in Preaching from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Theology in preaching from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Rick is a consultant, conference leader, communicator, and coach.

For more than 130 years, Lifeway Christian Resources has served as the world's leading nonprofit provider of ministry resources for the local church.
Our story began when Dr. James M. Frost envisioned a Christian publishing house to help churches teach God's Word, develop leaders, and impact every nation for Christ.
Much has changed in the world since then, but Lifeway's focus remains on helping local churches share the good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples everywhere.


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