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  1st April 2024



Ron Graham shares

Do Not Give the Devil a Place


Ephesians chapter four talks about how Christians should live - or as Paul expresses it, how we should walk.
A key verse is,

"Do not give the Devil a place"

Ephesians 4:27

Paul means of course that we must not give the Devil a place in our hearts, nor an opportunity in our lives.

If we think about it, three things must be true, otherwise it would be silly to say, "Do not give the Devil a place".

If there were no Devil, why warn us about him?
Paul might as well warn us about leprechauns or dragons.
I'm not being sarcastic.

In the days when Paul was writing, the populace believed in all kinds of mythical beings, but Christians did not.
Paul and his friend were taken to be the human forms of the mythical gods Zeus and Hermes (Jupiter and Mercury).
Paul the Christian said it was nonsense:
"Turn from these vain things!".

We find another example in Acts, where the god Artemis (Diana) was worshipped.
The Christians didn't worship or believe in her however.

Now, if Christians gave up believing in Zeus, Hermes, Artemis, Cupid, Aphrodites, and all the other gods and creatures of mythology, why would they then turn around and believe in another lot (Satan the Devil, Michael and Gabriel the Archangels, and so forth) if they were also just fairy tale beings?

In becoming Christians they did not exchange one superstition for another, but turned away from all mythology and superstition to believe in what is real and true.

If we say these are myths, it is not long before we are saying that even God is an imaginary being!
For example, there are four beings in the garden of Eden story: God, Satan, Adam, and Eve.
If we say one is imaginary, why not say all are imaginary, as indeed many people do?

Of course, there is mythology about the Devil, that he is a goat man with horns and a pointed tail, who smells of sulphur and wields a pitchfork.
This is not in the Bible at all, and it has no part in the Christian faith.
This is just pagan nonsense.

However, the Biblical truth about the Devil shows him to be a real and very dangerous being, from whom we have to protect ourselves.

If the Devil cannot have a place in our lives, or isn't interested, why say,
"Do not give the Devil a place"?
Paul knew that Satan could take advantage of him, and that Satan had schemes to do so.

"The Devil roams about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour"

Satan troubled himself in seeking permission to tempt Job.
He did exactly the same with Simon Peter, who thought lightly of it, yet before the cock crowed, he fell prey.

Satan has his eye on each of us too, and we'd better beware of him.

If we cannot resist the Devil's powers why tell us to deny him a place?
We do have strength before him.

"Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you"

James 4:7-8

God assures us that Satan tempts us only ...
in ways that are common to man,
to the degree we are able to bear,
and where there is a way of escape

The Devil's best weapon is deception, but he can succeed in deceiving only those who do not "receive the love of the truth ".
In the presence of one who loves truth, Satan is impotent.

Love truth, and you will not be deceived, and you will not give the Devil a place.
Power from God and the gospel can achieve all godly aims and desires.
Against all odds we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Other powers fall short and disappoint.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Ron Graham
became a Christian as a very young man, and became a preacher before he turned 20.
Ron felt it necessary to try to support himself, partly at least.
Ron has continued his ministry down through the years, with Australian churches of Christ supporting him at least partially most of that time.
Ron was privileged to be involved at the start of a new wave of the restoration of New Testament Christianity in Australia.
This occurred in the nineteen fifties.
Weeknight training classes in Melbourne and Summer schools of preaching in Albury were run by Tom Tarbet.
Ron attended these.
Ron especially loved Felix W. Tarbet, with whom he travelled from church to church all over eastern Australia.


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