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  4th April 2024



Pastor Jason Lim offers

Glory In Tribulations


If there is one question you can ask God today, what would that be?
For many, that question would be "Why does God allow Christians to suffer?"

We are going to consider Romans 5:3-4
Why is there suffering in the world?
And, why does God allow the righteous, the Christian, the believers to suffer?

I can rejoice, I can be excited about being with Jesus and being like Jesus, but, Paul, you are telling us, to rejoice, to glory also in tribulations?

That becomes difficult for many of us. especially if you feel crushed, you feel pressured and these words may sound impossible to you.

The English word, tribulation is derived from the Latin word that means tribulum. Where is the tribulum?
The piece of wood that the farmer is standing on. That's the tribulum.

The underside of the tribulum looks somewhat like this.
It is packed with sharp stones and edges and when placed upon the wheat, and when the oxen is going to pull this tribulum and the farmer stands on it to add weight to it, what it does, is that it goes across the wheat and crushes it, presses it, to separate the husks from the grains.

And when we say, someone is going through tribulations, it is the picture of someone going through crushing, pressing difficulties and pains, that's the picture here.

Jesus our Lord Himself said,
These things have I spoken unto you, that in Me, you might have peace.
Why, why do you need this peace from Me, because, in the world, you shall have tribulations.

I am not sure about you, but it does send a kind of a shiver down up my spine.
Isn't it true, that when trials come, we are surprised.
How, why, can this even happen to me.
We complain.
I think that is absolutely right, because, that's what happens in my life.

When difficulties come, my immediate response from the flesh, is to ask, why me?

But what is God's answer, what is God's requirement, what is God's intended response for His people.
Rejoice in pain and suffering?
Yes! Glory in tribulations.

But, but, but how can I do that, Paul?
Paul, stands up and says,
no, I am no ivory tower theologian.
I know, what it means to go through tribulations, I have been through that, I am not talking dry theory, it is experiential in my life.

My friends, let's not deny the pain of trials, it's there.
You know that God is working something in your life, it produces, something that is valuable.
So, Paul is not saying that he is rejoicing in the process of pain, but Paul is rejoicing in the purpose of pain.

So, the proper response to trials, is one of rejoicing, because, I know something that the world doesn't know.
Do you know?
Do you rejoice today?

Now, this is exciting, this is exciting because when you go through trials, these are the gems with that will be brought out in your lives.
It gives you the ability to be steady. Right, be steady, be calm in tribulation.
Why, because the natural response of man, is that he will want to bail out.
He goes into a state of fear and panic.

Very much like the disciples, when they were with Jesus at the sea of Galilee.
There was a huge storm, a storm that was so extraordinary that experienced fishermen like Peter, Andrew, James and John were in a panic state.

The next time, a storm comes, they can stay under, better.

God puts us through trials so that our faith would increase and our trust would increase.
When you go through trials today, friends, you can choose to be bitter, or you can believe God will make you better.
Sufferings are inescapable, it's our lot in life, that's a reality.
But misery is optional.
You don't have to be miserable.

So, God has His intended purpose as we go through trials, it brings out, the strengthening of your faith, it enlarges your capacity to trust Him, it builds up your character.


Un-edited version, (MUCH MORE) available on request (and Bible references)

Gospel Light Christian Church
Our Vision: An Acts Church for Today
We dream of being like the Acts 2 Church in the book of Acts. They were a people
Centred on our Saviour
Filled with the Spirit
Our Mission: Leading Generations into a Life-changing Relationship with Jesus.
The Bible tells us that God made us for Himself, and our hearts are wired to know and to worship Him.
Gospel Light Christian Church exists to help you find a relationship with God.
We want to lead you into a life-changing relationship with Jesus!


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