News for the Pews |
12th August 2024
'Ellen Hopkins' offers
fellow busy lady and lover of God!
When You Don't Get the Rest You Need
I first came across Mark 6:31 when we were moving into our house and decorating.
I saw this portion of the verse - because it is only the second half - on a 'wall sticker'.
I thought it would make a perfect addition to a restful bedroom or guest room space.
But you know me: I have to go check out the context of this verse to be sure I am not resting on a promise that was never made.
I ventured over to Mark 6:31. I invite you to do the same right now.
I wanted nothing more than going to a quiet place to be alone with my Saviour in prayer and be overcome with a feeling of peace and rest.
Are you longing for that as well?
Do you wish for a time of rest with only you and God but having trouble even getting the opportunity for a few minutes alone with your Saviour?
You'll find out that the disciples were in the same boat.
Let's take a look!
Here, in Mark 6:30, we pick up with the disciples returning from their mission.
They all excitedly gather around Jesus to tell Him all about their experience.
Mark 6:31 tells us the disciples' ministry had been in such high demand, they did not even have a chance to eat. Wow!
Sometimes you need to get away.
Jesus is leading His disciples away from the crowds to a place where they can be alone.
But if you take a look here, Jesus is not scheduling one-on-one time with each of His disciples.
He is taking them as a group to relax and recover.
Jesus suggests a quiet place.
Honestly, I think it's hard for us to do that these days.
We are not used to quiet.
Make an appointment with Jesus to get away and get rest!
Off the disciples go to get some rest-time with Jesus.
They travel by boat to a solitary place (verse 32.) But then what happens?
Basically, the crowds won't let them get away.
They find out where Jesus and His disciples are headed and run to get there before Jesus and His disciples.
Can you imagine their disappointment?
Even Jesus declared this time of rest was needed, so you know you're not wrong.
You were trying to get away but the demands keep following you.
What did Jesus do?
He had compassion on the crowd.
Just as He saw the needs of their disciples, He saw the needs of the crowd.
They were lost and they needed the gospel.
So He began to teach them.
You know the story.
The disciples let Jesus know it's about dinner time and they are far from any food source.
You worship God by quietly studying His Word, praying fervently, and listening intently in your solitude.
But you worship Him also, when you are running from place to place, ministering to your family and friends.
A life devoted to the Lord is an act of worship.
When those times arise, when your body is screaming for rest but the chances of rest escape, it is God who sustains you!
The God Almighty will minister through you and open your eyes to what He can do in the midst of your exhaustion.
It is far beyond what you can ask or imagine.
It's life-changing to realize that in the midst of exhaustion, God gives you strength to continue in your calling.
You can depend on Him.
He will sustain you and reveal Himself to you beyond your imagination.
Alright, this is not a call to give up on the idea of rest.
The reality is, we need rest.
The reality also is, we don't always get rest right away. But don't give up.
In verse 45, we find out that immediately following, Jesus makes his disciples get into a boat and take off.
He sends them ahead of himself to the next town and sends the crowds away.
As we continue to read, we get the picture that His disciples are on the boat for the night, probably finally getting some time away.
They are off at sea and nobody can disturb them.
They get their peace and quiet.
Meanwhile, Jesus stays behind for His own quiet time.
He goes up to a mountain to pray.
Jesus truly taught us how to live a godly life, including times of rest and solitude.
He took them, and so should you!
Even Jesus took time away to pray.
This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request
Scripture confident
I'm Ellen Hopkins, fellow busy lady and lover of God!
I work two part-time jobs, am raising two elementary-aged kids with my hubby, and try to keep up with this site in my free time.
When I became a believer at age 17, someone told me that it takes 6 weeks to develop a habit.
I thought, "Challenge accepted!" and began to read my Bible every day.
It did develop into a strong habit that lasted for years.
Fast forward to my first full-time job, to my first child, to the COVID pandemic... each time, I've had to be very intentional about re-developing this habit of spending much-needed time with Jesus.
I fully believe that every part of our day can (and should) be an act of worship to God: cleaning floors, financially supporting our family, helping kids with homework... and reading the Bible.
It's that intentional time with God - praising Him, reminding ourselves of His greatness, reading more about Him, laying our burdens at his feet - that fuels the rest of our days.
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