News for the Pews |

17th January 2025
'Caren O'Reilly'
creator and designer of Scriptural Grace
"Here is the road. Follow it"
" If you wander off the road to the right or the left, you will hear his voice behind you saying, "Here is the road. Follow it."
..... Isaiah 30 v 21
Isaiah is the first book in a series of books written by prophets.
Prophets are mouthpieces for God and they communicate the things that are on God's heart.
During the time of Isaiah the Prophet, the Israelites had continually turned from following God and they suffered the consequences of their disobedience.
They refused to listen to God's commandments and direction.
This resulted in punishment.
God gives the Israelites a wonderful, encouraging promise, that if they would turn from their disobedience God would show them His mercy and grace.
God promised to guide them on their difficult journey.
God promised them, that those who would listen, their ears would hear a word behind them, saying, this is the way, walk in it.
This promise from God is for us too.
History records that Israel acted like a petulant child and tried to defeat the Assyrian army by seeking help from Egypt instead of placing their trust in God and following His direction.
This wasn't a good choice and it didn't end well!
Don't be like Israel.
Make a better choice and listen for God's voice and His direction.
God's grace and mercy towards us never changes.
God wants us to lean on Him and listen for His voice directing us in all that we do.
God wants us to become all that He created us to be.
He has a plan to get us there but we have to be obedient and follow His leading.
God knows the way and He sees ahead.
He knows the stumbling blocks that will try to get us off track and He wants to guide us around those stumbling blocks or equip us to go through them.
Guess what happens when your heart's desire is to be obedient to God and you listen for His guidance?
You will find peace, joy, and fulfillment.
It will take some time for God's plan to unfold in your life.
It takes time for a masterpiece to be perfected!
But you can hold on to the promise of Isaiah 30:21.
God speaks to us in different ways.
The more time that you consciously and consistently stay in His presence, the more you will recognize His voice.
The best way to do this is to prayerfully read your Bible.
When you surrender your life to God and ask Him to come live in you, then you receive the Holy Spirit.
It is a free gift.
One of the joys of having the Holy Spirit live inside of you is that you can ask Him to remove the veil from scripture and animate it when you read it.
I find that I could read the same portion of scripture at different times and it means something different to me each time.
I also often feel a deep sense of peace flood over me when I just even touch my Bible, knowing that God will be speaking to me through it.
Always be expectant that God will be speaking to you.
When you are expectant of hearing Him guide you, you will be more aware of those little promptings that God sends.
God often tells me to buy certain items when I am in the shop.
I find that I don't always practice what I preach and return home from the store having not purchased the item that God prompted me to buy and I discover I needed the item!
If you suddenly think of someone, that can often be God asking you to pray for them or even to phone them and to check on them.
My husband is a Church Minister and God prompts him to phone specific people all the time.
The person he phones is always surprised that he knows the exact time that they need his help.
It also is a wonderful reminder that God cares about every single little detail of our lives.
God can also use other people to speak through to you.
Whenever you have to make decisions or choices, ask God for His wisdom and remember His promise in Isaiah 30:21 to show you the way to go.
We are called to pray without ceasing.
That means we can talk with God at any time and in any place.
You can chat with God throughout the day!
Praying scripture is a powerful way to pray
This is an edited version.
The full article, and Bible references, is avaiable on request
'Karen O'Reilly'
the creator and designer of Scriptural Grace
Scriptural Grace
I am extremely passionate about unlocking the treasure that is found in scripture.
Scriptural Grace is committed to helping women discover the transformative impact of scriptural prayers.
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