News for the Pews |

28th January 2025
Eternal life is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
"What Does
Deuteronomy 31v8 Mean?"
"The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."
.... Deut 31v8 (NASB)
Moses had led the children of Israel for forty years, but he was not be permitted to lead them across the Jordan.
However, as the time for his departure drew ever closer, he presented Israel with their new leader, Joshua, who would take the people across the Jordan and into the Promised Land.
"Joshua is the one who will cross ahead of you." Moses told them, and he charged both the people and his successor to "be strong and courageous," as they took the next step in God's redemptive plan for His people.
Moses summoned Joshua and said to him, in the sight of all Israel,
"Be strong and courageous, for you will go with this people into the land the Lord swore to give to their fathers.
You will enable them to take possession of it.
The Lord is the One who will go before you.
He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged."
What an encouraging promise Moses gave to Joshua and all Israel.
And this is a promise from the Lord, which is equally true for Christians in today's Church dispensation, as it was for the nation of Israel during the dispensation of Law.
The Lord has promised to go before US, just as He promised Israel.
He has promised to be with us always - even to the end of the age.
What a comfort to know that He will never fail us nor forsake us.
Like Israel, we have been promised rewards or loss.
God's Word is to be trusted.
He has promised to go before us, to lead us and prepare the way we take, even when we let Him down.
He has promised to be with us on our journey through life and to stay with us through all the circumstances of life - even during those times when we prove faithless.
God has promised never to leave us alone and one day,
He will take us with Himself forever.
God's Word is to be trusted.
God's Word is as trustworthy today as it was in the times of Moses.
The children of Israel saw the very presence of the Lord in the Shekinah glory that filled the tabernacle.
He was seen in the pillars of fire and cloud that led the children of Israel through the dangerous wilderness.
He was seen in the plagues of Egypt that demonstrated God's mighty strength and awesome power, and He was with them in the midst of the Red Sea waters, which led them to safety but destroyed their Egyptian enemies.
In this church age, we may not have visible pillars of fire and cloud to lead and to guide, but He is with us every moment of the day, for we have the indwelling Holy Spirit, who is our ever-present Comforter and holy Helper in time of need.
He has promised to guide us into all truth and has given us access into the throne-room of God, for mercy to find help in time of need.
Israel failed to keep their covenant promises throughout their entire history, but the promise the Lord gave to Israel is as true today as it was when His people prepared to cross the Jordan into the promised land.
His promise is still true today, and although they will one day face the curse of the Great Tribulation, God will finish the work He started in His people, Israel, that first Passover Day.
As in times of old, we too have God's trustworthy Word.
We also have innumerable promises that God will lead us and prepare the way that we take.
We have His assurance that He will be with us on our journey, stay with us through all the circumstances of life, never leave us alone, and finally take us to be with Himself forever.
This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request
We believe that all "Scripture is given by inspiration of God," by which we understand the whole Bible is inspired in the sense that holy men of God "were moved by the Holy Spirit" to write the very words of Scripture.
We believe that this divine inspiration extends equally and fully to all parts of the writings - historical, poetical, doctrinal, and prophetical - as appeared in the original manuscripts.
We believe that the whole Bible in the originals is therefore without error.
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Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur.
9:00am to 11:30am

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