News for the Pews |


3rd February 2025
"Brother Crosby "
and the Church of Greenville
"Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good; impatience will get you into trouble"
.... Proverbs 19 v 2
Two things can ruin your future success - ignorance and haste.
You need to understand what you are doing before you do it, which means you must slow down for research first.
You must know what is happening and what could happen before you take any action.
Ignorance is not bliss; it is not good.
Ignorance is only helpful in matters of Christian liberty and in matters of sin and error
(1 Cor 10:25-27; Rom 16:19).
Only in these areas can ignorance be useful.
In all other areas, you should be knowledgeable and prudent.
Speed is not a virtue, except to obey God, hear others, or finish a job correctly.
Otherwise, caution and wisdom require you to slow down lest you make an error in judgment or in execution.
Both ignorance and haste are condemned by this proverb, which marks them as traits of the fool.
Before decisions are made and actions started, Solomon required careful study and knowledge.
Haste does make waste!
Do not be intimidated or pressured to make decisions or start actions quickly.
Many men might have been saved, if they had slowed down to consider the consequences of a seductress.
The New Testament also teaches knowledge and caution.
Paul condemned ignorance, for Christians are to prove all things
(1 Thes 5:21; Ac 17:11; Phil 1:9-11).
Wise men examine in all directions and from all angles - they are circumspect.
He warned against being "heady" - headstrong and impetuous actions hurried on by passion.
Reader, do you prove the facts before deciding or acting?
Are you cautious and slow with decisions?
God expects you to be sober, calm, circumspect, cautious, prudent, and wise.
The warning here is for your own good.
This generation commends marriages on emotion alone, but the proverb demands that there be knowledge as well.
How many divorces and dysfunctional marriages could have been avoided by learning more about the other party?
When haste is added to mere emotion, folly and its deserved pain will follow.
Fifty years in marital hell is a long time.
Parents, especially fathers, should oversee dating and courting: they should be actively involved in the proving process.
A young, single person does not have a clue about marriage, and he or she needs the combined wisdom and experience of parents to save him or her from great pain.
Others make investment and business decisions by foolish optimism rather than prudent caution and wise counsel.
They are punished for these hasty decisions.
It is truly better to be safe than sorry.
There are more means today to gain knowledge quickly on any subject than ever before.
By Google searches or Bible software, answers for natural or spiritual questions can be found easily, yet many are more foolish than their parents.
How can this be?
They did not take the time to prove things, and Internet clutter is assumed as truth without any basis.
There are also more means to be hasty today than ever before.
Instead of the days or weeks it would take to make an investment in the past, you can do so in less than a second via the Internet.
Instead of courting a person for marriage who could be verified by many others, fools can connect via dating services without ever proving each other.
Many join churches without examining them by Scripture out of laziness or to please friends or family.
Pastors preach things they have not thoroughly studied.
Ignorant haste in religion is a horrible compound sin!
All doctrine and practice should be searched and proven from the scriptures.
There is no reason to be without knowledge or to act hastily, except in obedience!
Your success in life depends on following the wisdom of this proverb.
Will you study and prove all things, retaining only what can be fully established as truth?
Will you slow down in a faster-faster-faster generation to soberly consider what is right before acting?
This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request
"Brother Crosby"
This is a ministry of the Church of Greenville, a Baptist congregation of about 200 souls meeting in Greenville, South Carolina for the last 40 years.
We are committed to the Word of God absolutely and unconditionally.
Our motto is as follows:
God said it; that settles it!
We believe ...the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge, and without which there is no truth or understanding.
Contact the Rector
The Revd.
The Rectory,
Church Lane,
Land Line: 01604 - 815496
(Can be accessed from the mobile device)
Mobile: .....
thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
Contact the Benefice Office
Sunday School Rooms, Church Lane,
BUGBROOKE, Northampton, NN7 3PB
Land Line: 01604 830373
thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur.
9:00am to 11:30am

For Baptism bookings (Christenings)
to arrange an appointment please contact
the Benefice Office.
For Wedding bookings:
please contact the Benefice Office to arrange
an appointment.
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regparker3 at gmail dot com
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