News for the Pews |

4th February 2024
'The Church of Greenville'
'Let God be true'
Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Being cheerful keeps you healthy.
It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.
You affect your health by more than diet, nutrition, exercise, exposure, and sleep.
You affect it by your attitude and spirit.
A happy and cheerful spirit will improve your health, but a wounded and negative spirit can ruin it.
How is your attitude today?
Do yourself a favour!
Consider the wisdom here and choose to be cheerful in the Lord!
Do it now!
The proverb's simile, "like a medicine," and synecdoche, "drieth the bones," should not be perverted to ridicule antibiotics or explain the cause of leukaemia.
They are figures of speech teaching the general health and value of a happy outlook and attitude toward life.
There is a great lesson here, but the proverb is not teaching a panacea for all sickness.
Recent medical studies confirm this fact taught by Solomon 3000 years ago.
Those who laugh and enjoy life will live longer.
There is now a whole category of sicknesses and body maladies called psychosomatic
(psycho = mind; somatic = body)
illnesses, where the mind can cause physical problems in your body.
Give God the glory for this proverb.
A merry heart or broken spirit is a choice!
They are not results of Fate, temperament, genetics, or health.
And they are not the result of circumstances, for a cheerful person can choose to be happy in horrible difficulties, and a morose person can ruin a wonderful event.
You can have a continual feast through life, if you have a joyful heart; but a person with a negative attitude can find something wrong with every day (Pr 15:15)
Consider it.
Christian joy is a command (Phil 4:4; I Thess 5:16),
but the laughter of fools is sin
(Eph 5:4; Eccl 7:6).
Folly is no medicine; jesting is no balm.
Both are perverse and destructive.
Solomon called them madness (Eccl 2:2; 10:13).
The proverb is not teaching a foolish or naïve approach to life.
It promises natural blessings for joy, which is both a spiritual fruit and a commandment; and it condemns a negative, critical, or unthankful heart.
Sin destroys a merry heart, for a child of God cannot be happy out of fellowship with His Father.
David often described a broken spirit caused by sin.
It dried him up, broke his bones, and miserably tormented him from the inside out.
He spent his time crying and grieving, rather than rejoicing and living.
So the simple first step to a merry heart and good health is to live a holy, blameless life happy in the Lord.
Discontentment will ruin health, for all you can think about is what you do not have, even when you have much.
Ahab's life was ruined because he could not have Naboth's vineyard,
and Amnon fell sick out of lust for his sister.
No wonder the Holy Spirit teaches true success is godliness with contentment.
If you allow envy, bitterness, lust, resentment, or anger in your life, you are begging for the judgment of God and serious health problems.
These wicked thoughts will pursue you day and night; they will not let you even sleep in peace.
If you do not forgive others, God will not forgive you, and you will dry up your health by such an evil, wicked disposition.
But if you are joyful, loving, thankful, peaceful, forgiving, and full of praise, you will find the blessing of God and a therapeutic balm for your body.
If you make the Lord the joy of your life, you will have a constant reason to be merry, regardless of circumstances.
Your nights will be peaceful and pleasant, because your heart, soul, and mind are relaxed.
This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request
This website is a ministry of the Church of Greenville,
a Baptist congregation of about 200 souls meeting in Greenville, South Carolina for the last 40 years.
We are Baptists, like John the Baptist, our Lord, His apostles, and many martyrs.
We only baptise believers and only by immersion to show a picture of our Lord's burial and resurrection.
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The Revd.
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Land Line: 01604 - 815496
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BUGBROOKE, Northampton, NN7 3PB
Land Line: 01604 830373
thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur.
9:00am to 11:30am

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For Wedding bookings:
please contact the Benefice Office to arrange
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