
  30th June 2023

Cindi McMenamin offers


Ways to Know
That God Is Right Next to You

Do you sometimes feel like God is far away?

Heartbreak, struggles, unanswered prayer, or just filling
your schedule with everything but Him can make you
believe God is distant.

There are times we need Him but we just don't know what
to say or where to begin.
Jesus responds to His name when His loved ones call to Him.

The writers of the classics called this type of whispering cry
"breath prayers."
My breath prayers to sense His presence are "Jesus, I need You"
or "Jesus, give me a heart for You."

Calling His name just as often as we breathe is one of the
simplest ways to sense His presence.

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble" (NKJV).

If we don't want God to "resist" us because we've been
resisting Him, James instructs us to "submit to God.
James continues by telling us to cleanse our hands and purify
our hearts so we're not double-minded, which means dabbling with
one foot in God's Word and the other foot in the world.

When we humbly surrender to His lordship, He is there waiting for us
to indicate we want to go deeper.

Too often we don't feel like God is near.
Yet, God wants our faith that He is who His Word says He is,
and He will do what He promises -
regardless of what our feelings and emotions tell us.

Scripture says "without faith it is impossible to please Him".
Therefore, we shouldn't have to feel God to know He's there.
In fact, relying on our feelings is a direct contradiction to faith.
Tell God you believe He's there...and talk to Him,
by faith, believing He is.

After God made Adam and Eve, and they chose to rebel against Him,
Scripture records God "walking in the garden in the cool of the day,"
looking for His beloved, desiring their company, their companionship,
the unity they once shared as they walked together.

So, get outside and walk in your garden, in a park, through a meadow or
woods, along the beach, or through a quiet part of your neighbourhood.

There's something therapeutic about walking and talking to God,
especially when you remember you have the privilege of walking
with Him in the cool of the day as if He was right there -
because He is.

Centre your mind on Him and start to breathe deeply.
Try it:
Exhale the distracting thoughts.
Inhale a desire to sense His presence.
Exhale your pre-occupation with self.
Inhale a desire to know Him more completely.
Exhale the worries of the moment.
Inhale His peace.

Now, don't you feel closer to His heart already?
There's a reason His Word says "Be still and know that I am God".

The Bible says God's Word is
"living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword".
That sharp sword will prick your heart through conviction,
inspiration, enlightenment, or determination.

A pricked heart is better than a numb, dull, or
complacent heart any day, so get into His Word and find Him there.

Worship is praising and acknowledging His "worth ship" wherever you
are and in whatever situation you are in.
Worship is surrender.
Worship is giving Him your time, talents, and treasure.

When you start praising Him, regardless of where you are,
you'll sense His presence -
probably because you're no longer focused on yourself, but on Him.

When we open the door of our hearts to love Him,
He will meet us there.
Every time.

Bible references avaiable, on request
Cindi McMenamin is a national speaker, Bible teacher, and
award-winning writer who helps women and couples
strengthen their relationship with God, and others.
She is also a mother, pastor's wife, and author of 17 books